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Neuraxpharm Launches European Campaign To Increase Awareness of Medical Cannabis

Oct 19, 2022


Düsseldorf, Germany and Barcelona, Spain--Neuraxpharm, a European specialty pharmaceutical company, announced in a news release its "Change for Health" campaign that aims to increase the acceptance of medical cannabis and provide better information to patients, physicians, and pharmacies.

Based on the concept "If we turn our back on medical cannabis, we turn our back on millions of patients," Neuraxpharm is fostering a change for health across society on medical cannabis as a treatment to help improve the quality of life of hundreds of thousands of patients. With this awareness campaign, Neuraxpharm wants to encourage healthcare professionals, regulators, patients, and the public to rethink their preconceptions about cannabis and embrace it as an effective, individualized treatment option.

At the heart of the campaign 'Change for Health' stands a video to raise awareness, a dedicated website which explains the campaign background and educational materials such as crosswords and myths, and facts. In Germany, the campaign is being launched on the occasion of the German Pain Congress 2022 (Deutscher Schmerzkongress 2022) which is held from 19.-22. October 2022 in CC Rosengarten, Mannheim.

At the congress, the company is present with its own booth and will sponsor the symposium "Cannabinoids in pain treatments" to raise further awareness of this high-potential treatment approach. Neuraxpharm's campaign will be implemented at European level, starting with Germany, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland, and will be extended to more countries as their legislation evolves.

Read more details in this news release.