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HYTN Announces Launch of Rapid Onset Nano Gummies

Sep 13, 2022


Vancouver, CA--HYTN Innovations Inc. announced in a press release that it has successfully developed and listed for sale its all-new Nano Gummies product (the “Nano Gummies”). 

The Nano Gummies, which feature the Company’s proprietary Elevation Technology, deliver a rapid and predictable cannabis experience and complement the Company’s current offering of all-natural, sugar and sweetener-free sparkling cannabis beverages. Together, these products further HYTN's mission to produce consistent, natural and delicious cannabis products. The Nano Gummies are manufactured at the Company’s purpose-built Kelowna facility.

The launch of HYTN’s Nano Gummies product follows the news that HYTN has fully concluded its relationship with Emerald Health Therapeutics Inc. and intends to focus its efforts to bring its rapid onset cannabis products to the Canadian market utilizing the sales licence amendment to its Standard Processing Licence. It also follows the Company’s financial results for the three months ended June 30, 2022, which reflect revenue pausing while the Company transitioned to selling products directly.

“It took significant time and effort to secure the necessary provincial and territorial vendor qualifications and product listings once our sales amendment was secured”, states Elliot McKerr, HYTN’s Chief Executive Officer, in the press release. “Working diligently with the provinces and territories, our team has positioned the Company to offer an amazing suite of products to consumers while now directly managing our sales channels and revenue opportunities. We are confident that the launch of our Nano Gummies alongside our sparkling cannabis beverages will be the first step in aligning our success with the revenue path we established when we went public.”

Adding to the launch of Nano Gummies and the Company taking full control over its sales and distribution channels, the Company further notes that its Nano Gummies represent an important innovation in elevating the cannabis experience for consumers. Jason Broome, HYTN Chief Operating Officer, states in the release, “Until now, consumers of cannabis edibles typically experienced slow and widely variable effects. Our Nano Gummies deliver cannabis in nano-encapsulated form, which, as confirmed by data we have collected under our Research Licence, appears to result in more milligrams of THC being absorbed faster, ultimately yielding a faster and more consistent cannabis experience, similar to that observed with our beverages.”  

The Nano Gummies have begun shipping in two flavours, Yuzu-Pear and Crabapple-Lemon flavours, with full national distribution expected by the start of Q1 2023.

Read the original release.