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HempMeds Collaborates With Argentina’s Leading Research Hospital to Study CBD’s Efficiency for Adult Epilepsy

Jul 9, 2022


San Diego, CA--Medical Marijuana, Inc., announced in a press release today that its subsidiary HempMeds is collaborating with Hospital del Cruce to conduct the first study in Argentina on the efficiency of CBD as a treatment for epilepsy in adults. The company will be donating its hemp-derived RSHO-X 5,000mg CBD products for the study.

The Ministry of Health of Argentina has authorized Hospital del Cruce, the leading research venue in Argentina, to import HempMeds products and execute the study. The study, led by Dr. Silvia Kochen, a renowned neurologist who works as the Executive Director of Neuroscience Studies and Complex Systems at the Epilepsy Center of Hospital del Cruce, will become part of a broad scientific evidence initiative on the usage of CBD for the treatment of epilepsy.

According to Dr. Silvia Kochen, “There is little scientific evidence in Latin America that supports the advantages of CBD as a treatment for neurodegenerative disorders, and most of the research done by other researchers focuses on pediatric patients. With this new research, we will obtain broader information that will be a valuable asset for Latin American health authorities to understand and acknowledge the potential therapeutic capabilities of CBD.”

“Participating in this research study is an honor for our Company because it reinforces the safety and efficacy of our products and will open doors to more free access to cannabis-based products around the world,” said Medical Marijuana, Inc. CEO Blake Schroeder.

“We have been involved in CBD research efforts in Latin America since 2017, collaborating with top medical doctors and organizations. For example, we have worked with Dr. Carlos Aguirre, a renowned neurologist in Mexico who has published two research studies that provide significant evidence for CBD as a complementary treatment for pediatric refractory and pediatric drug-resistant seizures,” added HempMeds CEO Raúl Elizalde, in the press release. “In addition to our consumer sales program which operates around the world, we want to be well understood by medical professionals and organizations as a resource in Latin America and this collaboration with Hospital del Cruce is a great step in doing so.”