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Headset Releases 2023 Demographic Report on Cannabis Industry Trends

Apr 10, 2023


Seattle, WA--Headset, a leading provider of data and analytics in the cannabis industry, has released a report on key demographic trends within the market.

[Image via Pexels]

The report offers insights into the age, gender, and location of cannabis consumers using data from millions of transactions across eight U.S. states and two Canadian provinces.

The analysis reveals that male consumers make up nearly two-thirds of cannabis sales in the U.S. and Canada, while Millennials account for over 60% of sales in both countries.

Female representation in sales is steadily growing, and Generation Z consumers are increasing their purchasing power annually.

Headset's demographic report reveals that Millennials and Gen Z consumers dominate cannabis sales, with Gen Z being the fastest-growing group, and a rising share of sales among females.

The study also highlights an increasing preference for Vapor Pens among Gen Z and larger transaction sizes among older consumers, providing valuable insights for brands planning for the future.

Learn more in this article.