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Grow Glide Unveils Revolutionary Software for Streamlining Vertical Cannabis Farming Operations

Jan 17, 2023


Riverside, CA--Grow Glide, a company that specializes in vertical mobile cannabis cultivation, has unveiled in a news release the Glide Operating System, a software aimed at making vertical farming more efficient, cost-effective, and profitable.

[Image via Grow Glide]

The Glide Operating System (GOS) has been quickly adopted by two leading cannabis companies, 48 Farms, and Alternative Solutions. The system tracks and evaluates employee tasks, strain performance, profitability, and key performance indicators. Furthermore, Grow Glide has announced plans to release an update to the software in the second quarter, including a Facilities Management feature. This enhancement will provide investors, operators, and employees with detailed 3D data visualizations and actionable recommendations that are easily accessible on mobile and desktop devices.

"Decreasing costs and increasing revenue in cannabis is not always a straight line,"  said Grow Glide CEO Travis Schwartz in the news release. "Operators have had limited tools at their disposal to meaningfully track data and make crucial decisions that will become increasingly important in 2023 as the market corrects. GOS will give the best operators the opportunity for long term success based on data and insights that only this platform can provide."

"When I was growing, I knew it was rough tracking numbers on white boards," the company's president, Darin Siples, added in the release. "Those days are long gone. GOS blew me away from the get-go because I knew it was a revolutionary way to increase profits. From strain management, to employee tracking to cost per pound calculations, GOS is the future of cultivation." 

Learn more about this in the entire release.