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Full Pour Magazine Launches, Showcasing Diverse Beverage Culture

Mar 22, 2023


Brookfield, CT-- Infused Media, LLC has announced the launch of Full Pour, a new independent print magazine that explores various aspects of drink culture. The first issue, published in Spring 2023, features articles on wine, beer, spirits, cannabis infusions, non-alcoholic drinks, and more, catering to adventurous and open-minded consumers.

[Image via Full Pour]

"The magazine aims to encourage conscious consumption and consumer confidence," Full Pour's Editor and Publisher, Lauren Buzzeo, said in the news release. "We want to celebrate and embrace all the drinks that bring us together, no matter the liquid or occasion, and empower people to make the best choices for their palates, lifestyles and desires."

The quarterly publication covers five main areas: vinified, brewed, distilled, infused, and zero-proof or non-alcoholic drinks. Full Pour is printed on eco-friendly, 100% post-consumer-waste recycled paper and uses soy- and vegetable-based inks. 

The magazine also features the Pour It Forward Program, promoting partnerships with advertisers to support nonprofit organizations and improve the food and beverage community sustainably and equitably.

A launch party for Full Pour will be held in New York City on April 4, 2023. Single-issue copies and annual subscriptions are available for purchase at www.full-pour.com, with distribution to select retailers throughout the U.S. to follow.

Learn more in this news release.