THC cranberry ginger ale

Franklin Fields Launches Cranberry Ginger Ale Infused Soda for a Spirited Holiday Season

Nov 7, 2023


Key Takeaways

  • Franklin Fields introduces Cranberry Ginger Ale, a new THC-infused soda.
  • The drink offers a holiday buzz without alcohol and supports local expungement efforts.
  • Market analysts project significant growth for cannabis beverages over the next decade.

Lansing, MI--Franklin Fields has unveiled its latest Sweet Justice-infused soda line addition. 

[Image via Carbidex]

The new Cranberry Ginger Ale flavor is designed to provide a festive buzz without alcohol, containing 10mg of THC and only 70 calories.

Holiday Cheer and New Flavors

Crafted with natural ginger, cane sugar, and cranberry juice, this new offering is perfect for the holiday season. 

It's designed to minimize bloating with lower carbonation and can be enjoyed on its own or mixed into mocktails.

Franklin Fields is also investing in research and development for additional flavors, which are expected to launch in 2024. These include OG Sugar Free, OG Ginger Ale, and a unique Root Beer variant.

Community Impact

According to a PR Newswire release, a portion of Sweet Justice's proceeds is dedicated to the Great Lakes Expungement Network (GLEN). GLEN focuses on helping Michigan residents with criminal records obtain expungement without any fees, through a network of community organizations, professionals, and legal experts.

Cannabis Beverage Market Boom

The cannabis beverages market is experiencing a surge, with consumer tastes evolving and the cannabis legalization movement growing. 

According to a FMIBlog report, from 2023's valuation of US$ 1,227.3 million, the market is expected to quintuple by 2033.

About Franklin Fields and Carbidex

Franklin Fields, under the umbrella of Carbidex, operates a state-of-the-art cultivation and processing facility in Lansing, Michigan.

The team specializes in producing high-quality, small-batch craft cannabis products, including flowers, concentrates, and edibles.

The Franklin Fields brand portfolio includes Sweet Justice, EverydayC, and Forty Acres.

Carbidex, a family-owned holding company, has a diverse portfolio in the cannabis and facilities management sectors, including The Botanical Co., Kalkushka lounge, and Go Greener facilities management services.

What We Think

Franklin Fields' Cranberry Ginger Ale is a refreshing innovation in holiday beverages, blending health consciousness with a desire for a unique, non-alcoholic experience. Its use of natural ingredients like real ginger and cranberry juice reflects current consumer trends toward wholesome choices.

The reduced carbonation is a thoughtful detail for comfortable, all-night enjoyment.

Additionally, Franklin Fields' commitment to social responsibility, demonstrated by supporting the Great Lakes Expungement Network, adds a commendable layer to its business ethos. This new offering indicates a promising future for Franklin Fields in the evolving landscape of cannabis-infused beverages.