
Find Addiction Rehabs Makes Finding Rehabs Easier With Updated Resources

Jul 12, 2022


Boca Raton, FL--Find Addiction Rehabs (FAR), a company that offers essential addiction treatment and rehab resources, announced in a press release that they have updated and redone their online resources for drug rehab and detox.

[Image by Yash Lucid via Pexels]

The release notes that the update aims to make it easier for people interested in finding drug rehabilitation around them. This includes information for those who are looking for an alcohol detox facility. And lastly, they have released information on the emergence of cases of cannabis or cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), a medical condition involving repeated episodes of severe and persistent nausea and vomiting in people who are struggling with chronic cannabis abuse.

Drug rehabilitation has come to light after the substance abuse problem in the US during the past few years. The release quoted a national survey in 2016, which estimated that about 20.1 million people ages 12 and above have had a substance use disorder. About 15.1 million had a problem with alcohol addiction, while the others were struggling with illegal drug use.

CHS is one of the side effects of using cannabis and has several cognitive issues. The company states that the medical use of marijuana is different from its recreational use. Medical marijuana strains usually contain more cannabidiol (CBD) than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component. In contrast, recreational marijuana strains have much more THC than CBD. CHS is caused by THC having adverse effects on the digestive tract, which causes stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and delayed gastric emptying. The nausea is persistent, the vomiting is severe and cyclic, and the affected person may experience weight loss and compulsive bathing.

Find Addiction Rehabs was founded to offer vital information resources for guiding people who are interested in treatment facilities for addiction, either for themselves or their loved ones. Read more about them in the press release.