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Element Apothec Debuts Comprehensive Cannabinoid Education Suite for Consumers and Practitioners

Apr 10, 2023


These services include a cannabinoid certification course and individualized consultation offerings.

[Image via Element Apothec]

Aiming to enhance awareness of hemp and other plant-based medicines' benefits, Element Apothec has consistently advocated for consumer and medical practitioner education since its inception.

Despite the widespread misunderstanding of cannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system (ECS), Element Apothec remains a thought leader in the field, offering vital tools and resources on these crucial subjects.

In partnership with the Medical Cannabis Mentor educational platform, Element Apothec has launched the CBD for Health & Wellness certification course.

Led by Dr. Swathi Varanasi, one of the first Integrative Health and Medical Cannabis Pharmacists and Element Apothec's Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, this engaging and practical course offers up-to-date information on CBD and cannabis to help consumers lead healthier, happier lives.

The course covers the plant's history, the ECS, major and minor cannabinoids, terpenes, and possible side effects and drug interactions.

Element Apothec now provides one-on-one consultations, allowing for the ultimate personalization.

Consumers can schedule complimentary 15-minute consultations with Dr. Swathi and her team of medical experts via the Element Apothec website, addressing topics such as CBD dosing, prescription medication and herbal supplement interactions, or inquiries about Element Apothec products and personal care needs.

Along with consultations, Element Apothec offers consumer-focused education opportunities through their website and social media, including the "Ask Dr. Swathi" feature, a CBD Product Quiz, a new podcast, and a webinar series showcasing medical professionals' insights into the latest health and wellness trends.

Learn more in this report.