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Harnessing Consumer Data for Customized Cannabis Marketing

Jul 5, 2023


Edmonton, AB--By understanding different consumer behaviors, cannabis firms can develop more personalized marketing strategies and products, industry experts suggest. Men, for instance, consume cannabis differently from women. Such insights can assist companies in aligning their brand more closely with individual customer needs and want.

[Image via MJ Biz Daily]

According to an MJ Biz Daily report, Edmonton-based Aurora Cannabis is at the forefront of such data-driven product development. The company has partnered with Strainprint, a Canadian app that tracks cannabis usage. Patients can provide feedback on how different strains affect them and their symptoms. According to Lana Culley, vice president of innovation and consumer preference at Aurora, this demographic data will be integrated into their decision-making process to extract potentially intriguing insights.

The report noted that earlier this year, using the data they've gathered, Aurora launched two high-THC medical cannabis flower products in Germany, according to Axel Gille, president of Aurora Europe. Culley reveals that despite variances in gender, location, or age, the primary attributes of dried cannabis remain consistent, with THC being a significant purchase driver.

The report noted that the cannabis industry is continuously evolving. Consumers desire personalized experiences and deeper understanding from marketers about their reasons for using cannabis. A Canadian study suggests that societal norms and expectations greatly influence cannabis consumption behaviors, transcending basic demographic factors. These findings could be pivotal for cannabis marketing strategies.

In the report, the Cannabis Marketing Association’s Lisa Buffo suggests that reasons for cannabis usage are often linked to improved mental health outcomes such as reduced anxiety and improved sleep. Albuquerque, New Mexico-based Budboard has created the Effects Lab, which collects data about cannabis usage and its effects. The company uses the collected data in product development and has recently developed AI and machine learning products.

Learn more in the entire report on MJ Biz Daily.