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Charlotte’s Web Joins ONE HEMP to Support FDA Regulation

Sep 29, 2023


Key Takeaways:

  • Charlotte's Web Holdings announces founding membership in ONE HEMP, supporting FDA regulation through science and data.
  • ONE HEMP submitted comprehensive insights and safety studies to Congressional leaders for CBD regulation.
  • Landmark study determines safe CBD consumption limits for healthy adults.
  • Charlotte's Web educates the public on CBD benefits by partnering with Major League Baseball.

Founding Membership in ONE HEMP

Louisville, CO--Charlotte's Web has taken a step in supporting the CBD industry by becoming a founding member of ONE HEMP. 

This coalition comprises major industry stakeholders aiming to back the FDA and Congress with scientific and data-driven approaches to create sensible dietary supplement regulation.

"As leaders in the hemp-based CBD market that prioritize science, safety, and responsible commerce, we stand united with ONE HEMP to bring clarity and stability to the marketplace," said Jared Stanley. 

"The time for the CBD industry and Congress to act is long overdue.

"A decade has passed since hemp-based CBD became a wellness choice for more than 45 million daily American CBD consumers," Stanley added.

ONE HEMP's Mission

The release noted that by unifying the industry's top stakeholders, ONE HEMP works diligently to bring stricter regulatory measures. 

They emphasize the need for third-party testing accurate labeling and have recently offered Congress new insights and safety data in response to a Request for Information. With a confident stance, 

ONE HEMP believes that federal policy reform for CBD will be achieved in this Congressional session.

Charlotte's Web and ONE HEMP are now encouraging industry partners to join this coalition, aiming to provide the standards consumers deserve.

Landmark CBD Safety Study

Dr. Marcel Bonn-Miller, Chief Scientific Officer at Charlotte's Web, was instrumental in collecting scientific data for ONE HEMP that was presented to Congress. 

Working with Dr. Rayetta G. Henderson, they spearheaded a pivotal study determining CBD consumption's safe upper intake limits. 

The study recommends an upper intake limit of 70 mg/day for healthy adults, with certain exceptions going up to 160 mg/day.

Dr. Henderson presented these findings, highlighting that the recommendations align with those from other global regulatory bodies and provide a safety buffer against potential adverse effects.

Educational Partnership with Major League Baseball

Beyond its role in advocacy, Charlotte's Web also takes on the responsibility of educating the public on the merits of CBD. 

Illustrating this commitment, they partnered with Major League Baseball in 2022, becoming its "Official CBD."

Discussing this journey, Jared Stanley narrated the company's evolution from its roots in Colorado's medical cannabis program. 

Their significant breakthrough was successfully using a CBD formulation to dramatically reduce seizures for Charlotte Figi, their company's namesake.

What We Think

The alliance of Charlotte's Web with ONE HEMP underscores the collective responsibility industry leaders are feeling to guide and shape the future of the CBD market. 

With increasing consumer demand, a clear, data-backed regulatory framework must be implemented. 

The FDA's willingness to collaborate with Congress on this issue and significant advocacy and research strides indicate a promising future for the CBD industry.