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Cannrose Cannabis: A Family-Run Business Enters Big Rapids’ Marijuana Market

May 24, 2023


Big Rapids, MI--Cannrose Cannabis marked its soft launch on Thursday, May 18, drawing in a crowd of marijuana connoisseurs. The business, located at 805 Maple St., is a family venture that grows its unique flower product, presenting 29 strains for patrons at the soft opening.

[Image via Big Rapid News]

According to a Big Rapid News report, the Gingrich brothers, Doug and Alan, along with their friend Sean Alspaugh, own the enterprise, focusing on keeping business local, from cultivating products to accommodating customer choices.

According to Doug Gingrich, family ties play a crucial role in the smooth operation of the business. “Myself and my brother are two of the partners, and our good friend is our other partner,” he shared in the report. “The manager of the store is my daughter, Reese. My direct assistant is my brother's son, Lester, and my nephew, Joe, runs our outdoor grow facility. My mother also actually does work at the outdoor grow facility, so it truly is a family business.”

Cannrose Cannabis presents various marijuana items, including flower, cartridges, wax, distillate, and a unique line of edibles. The flower product, grown and packaged locally, is the star attraction at the store, according to Doug Gingrich. The availability and popularity of strains will drive regular rotation.

Maintaining local roots is a value shared by all co-owners. “We're bringing jobs to the community, and all the money staying here,” said Doug Gingrich, as per the report. “The grow facility is here, the employees are here. When you spend $1 here at this store you're spending it in Big Rapids. It's not going to Detroit or California or Oregon, everything stays here.”

The report noted that with plans for an official grand opening around early July, Cannrose Cannabis is looking forward to introducing new customer offers. Until then, the aim is to promote the store and its range of products through various deals and specials.

Doug Gingrich articulated his hope of contributing to normalizing marijuana’s benefits. “I'm an extrovert, and I just love working with people and stuff like that,” he added in the report. “As far as the cannabis industry goes, I'm glad that the people are finally accepting it in the state. It's been around for a lot of years. It should have never been illegal in the first place. It’s no different from someone who wants to have a glass of wine at night with their dinner or wants to have a beer with a steak or a burger.”

Learn more in the Big Rapids News report.