CANNACEUTICA Launches Cannabis Capsule To Treat Chronic Pain

Jan 9, 2023


Springfield, MA--Holistic Industries announced in a news release the availability of CANNACEUTICA in Massachusetts, the first oral cannabis capsule with dosing guidelines, developed by a team of Ph.D. scientists, specifically formulated for, and studied in, people who suffer from chronic pain. 


"Everybody has someone in their life suffering from chronic pain who may not have tried incorporating cannabis into their treatment or if they did, it required smoking or an edible and a lot of trial and error," said Kyle Barich, Chief Marketing Officer, Holistic Industries, in the news release. "With CANNACEUTICA now on dispensary shelves in Massachusetts, anyone, whether you suffer from pain or know someone who does, can pick up a bottle of capsules – just like over-the-counter pain relievers – with dosing guidelines for pain relief."

The release noted that CANNACEUTICA contains THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids and terpenes that have been studied for their combined effects in alleviating chronic pain. The recommended starting dose is 2.5mg of THC, and the oral cannabis capsule provides easy dosing guidelines in each bottle and an Easy Dose Chart to help people find the dose that is right for them.

CANNACEUTICA is currently conducting clinical studies on people with chronic pain who tried at least one previous treatment but were still experiencing pain or intolerable side effects. This real-world evidence builds on the accumulated knowledge of cannabis and chronic pain. It focuses on helping address the challenges healthcare providers have today with incorporating cannabis into their patient's treatment plans.

"With the launch of CANNACEUTICA in Massachusetts, we added an innovative, first-of-its-kind cannabis healthcare brand, backed by evidence to our Greenhouse of Brands," said Josh Genderson, CEO of Holistic Industries, in the news release. "Our team of pharma experts conceived, developed and launched CANNACEUTICA by combining the best of pharma with industry-leading cannabis operations. We leveraged Holistic's operational excellence, scalability and distribution combined with a unique team of PhDs, MDs, pharma and cannabis experts to develop and bring CANNACEUTICA effectively and efficiently to market."

The release stated that CANNACEUTICA is now available in 2.5mg, 5mg, and 10mg capsules in Massachusetts at Liberty Cannabis dispensaries in Easthampton, Somerville, and Springfield; and will be available at additional participating dispensaries later this year. CANNACEUTICA is also available in dispensaries across Maryland.

More details in this release.