Cannabis leaves turning yellow

Cannabis Leaves Turning Yellow? Here’s How to Save Your Plants

Jul 8, 2024


Seeing your cannabis plant leaves turn yellow can be alarming.2 Yellow leaves signal stress from various factors such as nutrient deficiencies or watering issues.3 This article will guide you on how to quickly identify and fix these problems, ensuring healthy growth.

Keep reading to learn solutions that work.1

Key Takeaways

  • Check your plants for water issues. Too much or too little can cause yellow leaves.
  • Make sure your soil has the right nutrients. Use compost and check pH levels to avoid deficiencies.
  • Keep the grow area's temperature and humidity in the right range. Adjust lights to keep plants healthy.

Common Causes of Yellowing Cannabis Leaves

Close-up of yellowing cannabis leaves affected by nutrient deficiencies.

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Yellow leaves on cannabis plants can indicate issues like not enough nutrients or too much water. Heat, light, and bugs can also stress the plant, leading to yellow leaves.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Cannabis plants need many nutrients to grow healthy. If they lack these, leaves can turn yellow, curl, or show brown spots.2 One common issue is not having enough nitrogen, which first makes the leaf edges yellow.

Another problem is a potassium shortage, which leads to overall yellow leaves. During flowering, missing out on Cal-Mag (calcium and magnesium) often turns leaves yellow.

To fix nutrient deficiencies in cannabis plants, growers must check soil pH levels and adjust fertilization practices accordingly. For instance, if nitrogen deficiency causes fan leaves to turn yellow and stunt growth, adding more nitrogen-rich organic fertilizers will help.1 For potassium problems causing the entire leaf to go yellow or for issues during flowering from a lack of Cal-Mag, using specific mineral fertilizers that include these nutrients can correct the imbalance.

Monitoring and adjusting are key steps every legal cannabis grower should take. "Balancing soil nutrients like nitrogen and potassium is crucial for preventing cannabis plant's lower leaves from turning into shades of purple or brown alongside their yellowness.

ALSO READ: Cannabis Deficiencies: Everything You Need To Know

Watering Problems

Watering problems stress your plants, leading to yellow leaves. Giving too much water causes roots to rot and locks out nutrients. Not enough water results in stunted growth. Keep an eye on soil moisture; adjust how often you water based on what you find.3 Yellow bottom leaves could mean not enough nitrogen or issues from overwatering.2 Make sure not to drown or starve the plant of water.

Close-up of yellowing cannabis leaves affected by nutrient deficiencies.

Next, let’s talk about balancing soil nutrients for healthy plants.

Environmental Stressors

Extreme temperatures, high humidity, and weak air flow stress cannabis plants. These can turn leaves yellow. Keep the grow area between 50-82.4 ºF (10-28 ºC). This range prevents stress from being hot or cold.

Good light management also stops leaf discoloration. Make sure your plants get the right amount of light. Too much or too little is bad.4

Pests and fungi attack stressed plants more often. For example, septoria is a fungus that causes yellow spots on leaves. To keep pests and fungi away, make sure your plants live in stable conditions with clean air, proper moisture, and comfortable temperatures.

Next up: Practical solutions to help with yellowing leaves.2

Practical Solutions to Address Yellow Leaves

To fix yellow leaves, start by changing how you water and make sure your soil has the right food for your plant. Use good lights and check the room's heat and air to keep plants happy.

Adjusting Watering Techniques

Adjust the frequency and amount of water your cannabis plants need carefully. Different stages of growth require different amounts. For example, during flowering, cannabis leaves turning yellow could signal over or under-watering.

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Use a drip irrigation system to target water directly at the base without wetting the leaves. This method ensures each plant gets just the right amount of water and helps prevent diseases.5

Provide roots with enough oxygen by checking soil moisture regularly. Overly wet soil can suffocate roots, leading to yellow leaves and root rot in cannabis plants. Install adjustable flow rate systems for precise watering control, promoting healthy growth and preventing nutritional problems that cause yellowing leaves.6

"Water wisely: too much or too little can turn your green success into yellow warning signs.

Balancing Soil Nutrients

Getting the soil nutrients right is key for healthy cannabis plants. To improve the soil's quality, mix compost, worm castings, and bat guano. These organic amendments add vital elements like magnesium, calcium, and iron, which are crucial for plant growth.

Be sure to check the pH level too; it should be between 6.0-6.5 during late flowering to avoid yellow leaves.6

Increase nitrogen levels carefully with a balanced nutrient solution, but avoid over-fertilization as this can harm your plants. The gradual introduction of nitrogen-rich fertilizers ensures your cannabis doesn't experience nutrient burn.6 Paying attention to both macro and micro elements will give your plants what they need to thrive without stress from nutritional deficiencies.7

Now let's focus on optimizing environmental conditions for your cannabis plants.

Optimizing Environmental Conditions

To make your cannabis plants flourish, keep the temperature and humidity just right. Use a thermostat to manage heat levels between 70°F and 80°F during the day. At night, it can drop but should stay above 60°F.

Humidity is key too; aim for 40-50% in the flowering stage. This balance stops leaves from turning yellow.4

Adjust grow lights to give plants the best light without harm. Plants need different light at various stages. For example, during flowering, they require more red spectrum light. Keep lights far enough away to prevent burn but close enough for growth.

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Change pH levels with buffer solutions to keep them stable at around 5.5 to 6.5, ideal for nutrient uptake.

Companion planting helps as well. Plants like marigolds protect your cannabis by keeping pests away naturally without chemicals that could stress your plant leading leaves turn yellow or even brownish spots on leaves otherwise known as pest caused damage which might lead nutrients deficiency as well indirectly affecting optimal photosynthesis due lack of proper leaf health, eventually leading lower yield than expected.2

A close-up image of cannabis leaves turning yellow in a home grow environment. The leaves show signs of nutrient deficiencies, with yellowing edges and some brown spots. The background includes elements of a home grow setup, such as potted plants and grow lights, with natural lighting highlighting the issue.


Fixing yellow cannabis leaves involves simple steps. First, check the plant's water, nutrients, and environment. Adjust watering practices and balance soil nutrients as needed. Ensure your plants' light, temperature, and humidity suit them.

Regularly monitoring these factors keeps your plants healthy and prevents yellow leaves.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why are my cannabis plant leaves turning yellow?

    Your cannabis leaves could be turning yellow due to various reasons such as nutrient deficiency, overfertilization, heat stress or pH imbalances in the soil.

  2. What causes cannabis leaves to turn yellow during flowering?

    Cannabis leaves often turn yellow during flowering due to a lack of essential nutrients like nitrogen, sulfur and magnesium which are vital for chlorophyll production.

  3. How can I fix the problem if my new growth leaves are turning yellow on my cannabis plant?

    You can address this issue by adjusting your fertilizing routine or using soil amendments, ensuring that your plant is getting all its macronutrient and micronutrient needs met.

  4. Is it normal for lower cannabis leaves to turn yellow?

    While some natural aging might cause lower leaf yellowness, a consistent pattern could indicate problems with moisture in the soil, root system health, or pest management.

  5. Can hydroponics prevent my cannabis seedlings' leaves from turning yellow?

    Yes! Hydroponic systems allow better control over nutrient dosage and pH value which helps avoid common issues like nutrient burn or deficiencies causing leaf yellowness.

  6. What should I do when the tips of my cannabis fan leave start turning purple and brown along with going yellow?

    This could be a sign of serious conditions, such as fungal infections or diseases like powdery mildew; immediate action involves isolating affected plants and consulting an expert for proper pest management strategies.

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  4. (2023-09-25)
  6. (2024-05-10)

[Representative images via AI]