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Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s Launches Nonprofit Cannabis Brand B3

Mar 29, 2023


Montpelier, VTBen Cohen, co-founder of ice cream brand Ben & Jerry's, has launched a new venture called Ben's Best Blnz (B3), a nonprofit cannabis brand offering low-THC prerolls and full-spectrum vapes.

[Image via Fast Company]

B3's profits will be divided among three entities: 10% to the Last Prisoner Project, which works to free individuals affected by cannabis criminalization; 10% to the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, aiming to secure sustainable power for American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS); and the remaining 80% distributed as grants to Black cannabis entrepreneurs in partnership with NuProject.

Cohen collaborated with Pentagram's Eddie Opara and Jack Collins for B3's visual identity and worked with Black designers and vendors to create the brand's packaging, website, and merchandise. 

B3's products are designed to act as traveling campaigns for decarceration, expungement, and de-scheduling of cannabis.

Learn more in this report.